Monthly Archives: May 2018

So proud to announce the book launch / signing of our dear friend, photographer Just Loomis’ new book “BACKSTAGE”, at THE HELMUT NEWTON FOUNDATION in Berlin, Germany on 9 June 2018:: Details:: On the occasion of the new book by former assistant to Helmut Newton, Just Loomis, we cordially invite you to join us for his upcoming book event “Just Loomis. Backstage”. A montage of fashion portraits and memories fueled by his desire to show the woman, and not just the model. Join Just Loomis into the first backstage worlds of the early 80’s, of Milan, Paris, Rome to New York in the 90’s and the smoky, raw, more street shows of Los Angeles of the early 2000’s. All shot on analogue film. “There is a raw and sensual energy backstage. A feeling that happens when the pounding of the music mixes with the physical movement of the models. The girls are transformed into archetypal women. There is an intoxicating thrill of being close to the model when she looks in the mirror and I see into her eyes. I react instinctively.” (Just Loomis) The artist will be present, available for interviews and to sign your copy of the book, published by Hatje Cantz, June 2018. All images in this post by Just Loomis:: Helmut Newton Foundation Link:: Just Loomis Link:: #justloomisphotography #helmutnewton #hatjecantz #hatjecantzwalks #fashionphotography #photooftheday #beautiful #inspiration #instafashion #parisfashionweek

Posted in Avant-Garde Fashion, Draped Fashions, Fashion As Art, Fashion Photography, Japanese Fashion, Just Loomis Photography, Men's Fashion, Paris Fashion Week, Photo of the Day, Women's Fashion | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on So proud to announce the book launch / signing of our dear friend, photographer Just Loomis’ new book “BACKSTAGE”, at THE HELMUT NEWTON FOUNDATION in Berlin, Germany on 9 June 2018:: Details:: On the occasion of the new book by former assistant to Helmut Newton, Just Loomis, we cordially invite you to join us for his upcoming book event “Just Loomis. Backstage”. A montage of fashion portraits and memories fueled by his desire to show the woman, and not just the model. Join Just Loomis into the first backstage worlds of the early 80’s, of Milan, Paris, Rome to New York in the 90’s and the smoky, raw, more street shows of Los Angeles of the early 2000’s. All shot on analogue film. “There is a raw and sensual energy backstage. A feeling that happens when the pounding of the music mixes with the physical movement of the models. The girls are transformed into archetypal women. There is an intoxicating thrill of being close to the model when she looks in the mirror and I see into her eyes. I react instinctively.” (Just Loomis) The artist will be present, available for interviews and to sign your copy of the book, published by Hatje Cantz, June 2018. All images in this post by Just Loomis:: Helmut Newton Foundation Link:: Just Loomis Link:: #justloomisphotography #helmutnewton #hatjecantz #hatjecantzwalks #fashionphotography #photooftheday #beautiful #inspiration #instafashion #parisfashionweek

martinMARTIN 2018 Fall / Winter “ROMANTIC REVOLT” Collection:: Art Spread Consists of Re-Purposed Photographic And Graphic Elements:: Graphic Design / Lay-Out / Photography by +junYOSHIDA:: martinMARTIN website:: martinMARTIN Instagram Link::… #martinmartin_official #dianemossmartin #fashionphotography #photooftheday #avantgardefashion #antifashion #drapedfashion #darkfashion #black #workinginthreeshadesofblack #transcendinggenderfashion #adultpunk #punkluxuryfashion #minimalism #beautiful #inspiration #collection #clothes #womenswear #menswear #instafashion #parisfashionweek

Posted in Avant-Garde Fashion, Draped Fashions, Fashion As Art, Japanese Fashion, Men's Fashion, Paris Fashion Week, Photo of the Day, Women's Fashion | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on martinMARTIN 2018 Fall / Winter “ROMANTIC REVOLT” Collection:: Art Spread Consists of Re-Purposed Photographic And Graphic Elements:: Graphic Design / Lay-Out / Photography by +junYOSHIDA:: martinMARTIN website:: martinMARTIN Instagram Link::… #martinmartin_official #dianemossmartin #fashionphotography #photooftheday #avantgardefashion #antifashion #drapedfashion #darkfashion #black #workinginthreeshadesofblack #transcendinggenderfashion #adultpunk #punkluxuryfashion #minimalism #beautiful #inspiration #collection #clothes #womenswear #menswear #instafashion #parisfashionweek