+Info:: martinMARTIN STORE FLAGSHIP1:: Los Angeles:: Art Direction:: +junYOSHIDA:: Graphic(s) by:: +junYOSHIDA


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One Response to +Info:: martinMARTIN STORE FLAGSHIP1:: Los Angeles:: Art Direction:: +junYOSHIDA:: Graphic(s) by:: +junYOSHIDA


    105 North Edison Place Long Beach, CA 90802
    714. 209. 3367 [email protected]



    I am a BFA graduate of The Academy of Art University in San Francisco with a focus on Menswear and Textile Design. My appetite for design drove me to pursue my education in Menswear and Textile Design. During my time as a designer for Kill City Jeans, Odyn Vovk, Skin Graft Designs and various freelance opportunities I’ve developed a strong aesthetic that is personal and bold.

    Most of my inspiration is drawn from various observations of culture and activities such as attitudes, art, sex, athletics, music and lifestyles. These elements engage my imagination and influence my design process and allow me to apply a personal individual style and a heightened attention to details. My attention to detail consists of sophisticated finishing in tailoring, pattern making, fit and the cut of a garment.

    In my visual styling I bring into play a mix of formal wear, casual wear and sportswear. Also, my experience in Applied Textile design has given me a tool in conceptualizing fabric by applying finishes and prints to add depth to the analysis of my design process. The ability to work as team player has helped me develop a thick skin for critique.

    My thorough knowledge of fashion makes me the ideal candidate for this position. If selected, I would use this opportunity to learn as much as possible from other professionals and bring creative angles and innovative ideas to the team. My eagerness for new experiences and thirst for knowledge are attributes that drive me as a designer. I believe I am the right person for this position because of my bold sense of style and my eagerness to work with a team by using collaboration to make a strong product.

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Henry Dion Reyes II

    P.S. The enclosed resume provides more detailed information about my experience, expertise and track record.

    A video of my senior collection can be seen at:

    My work for Odyn Vovk can also be seen at:

    My Current work for S/S 2012 Mens & Womens Skingraft:

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